Monday, March 26, 2012

6 Weeks Old!

Weston turned 6 weeks old last Tuesday and he is still growing like crazy!  I brought him to Riverside to weigh him and he weighed 9lbs and 4ounces.  I can't believe he has gained over 3 pounds since we brought him home.  His cheeks are starting to look big and he's getting those cute little baby rolls.  Here are a few 6 weeks pictures-

We took Weston for his first weekend away from home to go to Strasburg to see Jake's family.  Jake's grandpa fell and broke his neck in two places and we wanted to go visit them.  I was nervous about how it would go since Weston's never been in the car that long, or slept somewhere other then home.  He did GREAT in the car and he and Gogi slept soundly the whole way in the backseat. He did pretty good at night too.  It took him a lot longer then normal to go to sleep for the night (1AM instead of his normal 11PM), but once he finally did he fell into his normal routine and only woke up at 3AM and 7AM.  We think it was a success!!

Saturday night Mandy, Trevor and the kids came over to Jake's parents house and Andrew and Weston met for the first time!  It was so funny to see the size difference, and I can't believe Weston will be that big in a few short months!  Andrew is almost 7 months and Weston is almost 7 weeks.  Here are a few pics of my little peanut with his cousin -

Weston just kept staring at Andrew like he was amazed by his cousin, and Andrew wanted to grab Weston and pull him right over!  It was too cute and I can't wait for them to be best buddies when they get older :) 

Weston also got to meet his great grandpa and great grandma this weekend.  Here is a cute pic of him and his great grandma Garber.

It was a nice weekend and was great to visit everyone!

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