Tuesday, April 3, 2012

8 Weeks Old Today-

Weston is 8 weeks old today!  I decided yesterday to test out his bumbo chair to see how he liked it.  I don't really know when you are supposed to start using these, but he seemed to really like it!  He is getting really good at supporting his head, despite all those cheeks :)

We had a fun past weekend.  Uncle Brandon came to visit from New York, and Weston just loved him!   Brandon brought him a really cute Burberry baby onesie!  It is 6-9 month so he will need to grow into it, but by this summer Westy will be one trendy baby in his onesie! Our other friend Allison came to visit too, so on Friday we all went to lunch at a nearby restaurant, and Weston slept the entire time like a little angel.  He was a bit fussy at night, but I think it might have been because of all of the excitement and visitors!

Last week I met a girl at the park in German Village with a 8 month old and she invited me to join a German Village Moms play group.  I went to the second play group get together today and it was really fun.  One of the girls had an Easter egg hunt at her house and lunch for the moms and kids.  It is so nice to get to meet other moms in the neighborhood!  I can't wait until Weston is a bit older and can play with all the kids.  They were having a blast running around the yard looking for eggs.  Weston took the opportunity to sleep in his car seat. 

He needed that nap too, because last night was a rough one!  He has been pretty good about sleeping going to bed around 10-11 every night and sleeping until 2-4, then waking up, eating and going back to sleep for another 3-4 hours.  Last night he woke up at 3:30, and wouldn't go back to sleep until 6am!  He wasn't hungry, his diaper was clean, I think he just wanted to be held.  I hope this doesn't become a regular occurence.  We are still swaddling him and I am trying to figure out if we should stop that.  He fights it when we put him in and when he wakes up he wiggles, punches and kicks to get out of it.  However I still think it helps him sleep better when he's not fighting it, so I'm not sure what to do.  To be determined....

Tomorrow Weston is going to Children's to be circumcised and I am so sad :(  He couldn't get it done at birth because he was a preemie and all of his other complications so it has to be done now.  Hopefully it goes smooth and he recovers quickly.  Then on Thursday we go back to Children's to the dermatology clinic to have his two birth marks (hemangiomas) looked at.  He has one on his neck and one on his butt, and the doctors say that they will eventually go away completely. However because of the location of them they want them checked out.  Particularly the one on his butt, because it is in a sensitive area and sometimes when we wipe him it will bleed which is not good.  They are going to look at them Thursday and determine if they need treated in any special way, such as laser therapy.  So between the circumcision and his other appointment Westy does not have a fun week ahead of him.  My poor little boy!

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