Monday, March 19, 2012

Catching up on the past few weeks!

Since starting this blog I haven't had a lot of time to update it, but it is my goal to update it at least weekly going forward!  So here is an update of where we are now-

Here is a picture of baby Weston at two weeks.  We went back to his doctor for his two weeks well visit and learned that Weston was back to above his birth weight at 6 lbs, 1 ounce.  He was eating about 2-3 ounces of milk every 2-3 hours. He was waking every 2-3 hours at night and started fighting going back to sleep.  We changed his routine up and kept it really dark at night, even during his eating and diaper changing, and that helped.

Here is a picture of Weston at 3 weeks.  I weighed him the day before he turned 3 weeks and he weighed 6 lbs, 12 ounces meaning he gained 11 ounces in less then a week!!  The doctors said they want them to gain about 1/2-1 ounce a day and he was gaining nearly twice that, such a big boy!  He was eating really well and starting to be awake more often.  His bruising from labor and delivery was finally almost gone.  We can't believe how cute he is!  At 3 weeks old his umbilical cord had finally fallen off so we started doing tummy time with him. He doesn't hate it and his neck is really strong!  He can lift it off the ground and turn it to the other side (even though it takes some time.)

Here is Weston at one month old.  At one month he weighed 7 lbs, and 11 ounces and had been growing like a weed!  He was eating 3-4 ounces every 3 hours.  He was also starting to develop a bit of a routine and was sleeping much better at night.  He was still waking up every 3 hours to eat, but then went back to sleep with little problems.

Here is Weston at 5 weeks and at 5 weeks 2 days he weighed 8 lbs, 12 ounces and was 20.5 inches long!  We went in for his one month doctor visit and she said he is doing great!  He has been starting to do one 4-5 hour stretch between feedings at night and I hope that continues!  During the day he eats 3.5-4 ounces every 2-3 hours.  I think he is eating more during the day to make up for his longer stretch at night.  He is getting so big and I can't believe how much he has changed in such a few short weeks!!  He is also starting to smile in his sleep a lot more, and I am anxiously awaiting his first social smile.  The doctor cleared me to start exercising again, so I have been taking him on a lot of walks.  When I go by myself I use a moby wrap so he is strapped to me nice and snug and he loves it and sleeps the whole time! 

He makes a lot of noises at night and grunts and squeaks all the time, but the doctor said that is normal and he should outgrow it.  He is a very good baby and we love him so much!

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