Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The big 10 weeks :)

Weston is 10 weeks old today!  Unfortunately that also means that my leave is coming to an end and I go back to work two weeks from today :(  I'm going to miss my little man during the day so much!

Well it's been 2 weeks since I updated the blog and lots has happened.  We took Weston back to Strasburg over Easter weekend to celebrate with the Garber side of the family.  While we were there we took a few family pictures (the first we've taken) and they turned out pretty good!

Last week I took Weston in for his two month appointment and it went really well.  His circumcision has healed up nicely, and we are so glad to be done with that!  He weighed 11 pounds 10 ounces, and is 22.5 inches long.  The doctor couldn't believe his growth curve.  He started out in the 3rd% for weight when he was born and now he's in the 45th%!  He's growing like a weed!  Here is a picture of Weston at 2 months.

For the past week Weston has been sleeping really good.  He's been going to bed around 11pm and not waking up until between 6am-8am!  Last night he woke up at 3am so maybe our streak is over, but hopefully not!  He's also been going through a very fussy phase in the evening.  For the past few days he is fine during the day, and then in the evening around 6pm or 7pm he starts freaking out.  He won't eat, won't sleep and just wants to scream!  He screams and cries until he wears himself out, and then starts again and this cycle usually lasts for a few hours.  It's exhausting!  I was thinking about calling the doctor, but since it's only been a few days and everything else is good I'm going to wait and hope it passes.   He's eating and sleeping fine the rest of the time, and having plenty of dirty diapers so like I said I'm hoping this is just a phase!

So Weston has been doing some smiling, but still isn't doing a ton of social smiling or looking in our eyes.  Social smiling and looking in our eyes generally starts between 6-8 weeks, but our doctor said since he was 4.5 weeks early we have to adjust for that and he should start more between 10-12 weeks.  I am so anxious for more of those big gummy smiles!  I caught him smiling in the bath the other day and can't wait for more of these.  Here is the video!

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